
In order to obtain ministerial accreditation as a societal impact company, a company that has already been created or a company in the process of being incorporated must meet the following conditions:

Legal form:

The SIS accreditation is exclusive to:

  • public limited companies (sociétés anonymes - SA) 
  • limited liability companies (sociétés à responsabilité limitée - SARL) 
  • simplified limited liability companies (sociétés à responsabilité limitée simplifiées - SARL-S) 
  • cooperative companies (sociétés coopératives - SC) 



Share capital:

The minimum share capital of a societal impact company is defined according to the rules applicable to the legal form of the company.

In accordance with the principle of limited profitability, it must be composed of:

o   at least 50% impact shares:

Owners of these shares have no right to any dividend distribution. The profit allocated to the impact shares is exclusively intended for the realisation of the corporate purpose and is to be fully reinvested in the continuation and further development of the SIS's activity.

o   at most 50% distribution shares:

Owners of these shares do have a right to a dividend distribution provided that the corporate purpose, as measured by performance indicators, has been effectively achieved.

  • All impact and distribution shares are registered shares and are issued with a nominal value.
  • Impact shares may not under any circumstances be converted into distribution shares.
  • Distribution shares may be converted to impact shares at any time.


Any applications for the SIS accreditation must be submitted, duly dated and signed, together with the supporting documents to the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy via the following address:

If you would like to be accompanied in this process, take advantage of the personalised public service set up at the Social Business Incubator "SBI".


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